Right big apologies for the long delay in updates. Been waiting on a couple of things before I could post anything and then when I finally got them my computer went tits up. Luckily its sorted now so I can finally start capturing all the footage again and make some updates.
Anyway we went to Barcelona not so long ago, an amazing city (when its not raining) and I strongly reccomend anyone who hasn't been to go now!
Our fun times can be seen in the form of a cheesy myspace slideshow below, I do apologise for this, but its just such a bitch to upload photos to the blog. Oh yeah theres a quick clip too.
An ender to blow your mind
Anyway we went to Barcelona not so long ago, an amazing city (when its not raining) and I strongly reccomend anyone who hasn't been to go now!
Our fun times can be seen in the form of a cheesy myspace slideshow below, I do apologise for this, but its just such a bitch to upload photos to the blog. Oh yeah theres a quick clip too.
An ender to blow your mind