Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Thursday/Friday have just been spent in stoke! The plaza is fucking amazing, I strongly reccomend going there to anyone. However I wouldn't reccomend walking round Stoke late at night, as the place looks rough. Anyhoo we got some footy for the the video (plaza footage in videos, yay or nay?) and below is a short clip of Mike's throwaway stuff.

Monday, August 21, 2006
Me, Mike, Macy and Mullet went on a Chelmsford mission yesterday and got some really good footy. Very productive day indeed...A Ipswich journey is planned for tomorrow, which I hope is as successful as yesterday for footage. Right down to the most important part of this post; some Macy throwaway footage below.
Clik dis yo
Clik dis yo
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Lack of updates, general apologies all round. Anyway, couple of clips below...The fence was removed via Mikes 'handy work', to create this nice little gap.
On the video progress side of things, well they've been a bit slow the past week, but i'm hoping to get some tricks this weekend. The video is slowly coming together though, still haven't got a name though, make your suggestions.
On the video progress side of things, well they've been a bit slow the past week, but i'm hoping to get some tricks this weekend. The video is slowly coming together though, still haven't got a name though, make your suggestions.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Right we went to Bicnacre mini ramp yesterday, which was well fun as none of us can actually skate mini (minus Mullet of course). I didn't film anything because we basically pissed around and the slide show below pretty much says it all...Oh, today we went Colchester and Mike and Mullet got some sick manual combo's down. Pretty successful weekend for footy, just need to chase up Macy this week I think...
All photographs courtesy of my fantastic photography friend Peter Baker.

All photographs courtesy of my fantastic photography friend Peter Baker.