Serious lack of updates going on here, sorry! Well Mike picked up a couple of tricks on sunday, and then we all got incredibly drunk right after, we had to celebrate my birthday some how! Anyway theres a clip below, he did a couple more tricks over it, but saved for the video of course...Oh and I didn't realise how much that branch ruined the shot at the time, bit pissed off, nothings ever perfect eh.
If my lens wasn't fucked enough, this happened today.
Ive been working the last few days so ive been really busy, stay with the blog, I won't forget it! I'm going to try film some stuff for it next monday , so we'll see how that goes. Might even get some footy tommorrow so stay tuned.Anyway the clip below was something I made for Mike's MySpace page, the main aim was to attract the ladies I think.Mad Props To My Man Stevie
Went out filming last night and got some well good stuff with Macy, stuff that only you'd only see Macy doing...Anyway another clip below, horrid landing I know, probably pester him to go back.
I apologise for lack of updates, the England game brought me down a bit, don't worry boys we'll av it in Euro 2008. Anyway filming missions are being arranged for the video and tings are looking on the up at the moment, weather is scorching too!The clip below is from a while ago now, I think we need to go back and get some more footy, its a rad spot.A Line